Friday, February 5, 2010

Obstacle Course

Printmaking is a universal language among artists - At his gallery again, the inventor of a game for printmakers sits down to his routine task of playing a video game and learn from it what the next move might be for his brainchild, a computer game which, when you play it, you learn more about printmaking. 432 Words. mr100205. ©2010 Bill Ritchie.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Adaptation Game

Your ability to change is in the cards - In a commentary on the failure of the species Neanderthal, this artist—a printmaker—illustrates how to play a card game called Adaptation as a way of adopting new technologies to teaching, learning, researching, practicing and providing community service. 386 Words. mr100126. ©2010 Bill Ritchie. Full text by email request: